Honestly, getting the spark back in our marriage after Blakely was born was tough. Even still it's tough. Ever since I've had our daughter our sex life has been completely different. We still have the longing, loving looks at one another, we still have our sweet talks and love bug moments, but intimacy was difficult for me because I just couldn't get myself to that point.
I think psychologically I was thinking that here's my husband who just watched me push a 7 pound child out of my body, yet he's still attracted to me, but I don't understand how. Then there was the point of my body transitioning from being pregnant to post-partum. I felt so unattractive. The stretch marks and the sagging skin, it just made me not want to look at myself. I mean, now I have a new wardrobe of clothes that fit me properly so I feel much better about myself, but before I couldn't stand to look in the mirror.
Blake worked with getting me my confidence and our spark back every single day. He was the first man in my life (besides my granddad) to buy me flowers. He would come home and play uno with me for hours. And don't forget about the constant date nights.
I think that's what really got our spark back was that Blake never stopped trying. I've never had someone try so hard to make me feel beautiful and unique every day of my life.
Ladies, find you a whole man like my husband. JUST NOT MY HUSBAND!
I laughed way too hard at the just not my husband part LOL